Nitrous oxide (N 2 O) is a strong greenhouse gas, that is mainly produced from agricultural activities (eg from the use of synthetic and organic fertilizers to grow crops) This first interactive chart here shows per capita emissions of nitrous oxide each year This is measured in 'carbon dioxide equivalents' US Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Gas, 1990–19 This figure shows emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and several fluorinated gases in the United States from 1990 to 19 For consistency, emissions are expressed in million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents * HFCs are hydrofluorocarbons, PFCs are perfluorocarbons, SF6 is sulfur7% of the emission intensity of natural gas, and only 3% of the emission intensity of coal fired power plants In addition, the lifecycle GHG emission intensity of nuclear power generation is consistent with renewable energy sources including biomass, hydroelectric and wind Figure 3 illustrates source evaluation data by study group

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Plunged 17 Percent During Pandemic The Washington Post